My absolute favorite time of the day is when these two cuddle up with me in bed in the mornings. It kinda starts like this (most days): Bryce starts making noises about 7ish.. I quickly make him a bottle and put him in bed with me... we both fall back asleep till about 8 or 8:30, right about when Brielle comes in and wakes us both up and joins us in bed. We then goof off and cuddle in bed for about 20 minutes.. then we are out of bed and start the day!!

On extra good mornings, when Brielle comes in to wake us, sometimes I can get her to go back to sleep with us for like an hour!!! So I basically get to sleep in a lot. Yeah, I love it!!! ;) ..gotta soak it all up before they don't let me do this anymore!!

Brielle put on her own make-up the other day and kept saying, "Mommy, I'm beautiful now" ..I kept telling her she's already beautiful and that she did a great job putting on make-up :) -kinda hard to see her rosy red cheeks and dark eyes in this pic (above)-

The two gremlins being silly like always. They are so cute... these two love to play together already!! It's my favorite!

This is called "The Fish Hook" ..yeah, don't ask, Scott made it up and Brielle loves doing it to me and it drives me nuts! :) She sneakily says, "Mom, come here... FISH HOOK!" as she hooks her finger on the inside of my cheek, always laughing hysterically.
So here's Bryce posing by the fireplace. He stands up on everything now and sadly, he falls all over the place now too :(

Bryce is what you would call an "Outside baby" ..the kid loves to be outside and can't get enough of it. He will be sad, fussy, crying, I mean anything bad you can think of, then take him outside and he immediately smiles and giggles and is soooo HAPPY!! It's so cute to watch cause it's honestly like clockwork every time. He's such a stinker!

So I thought these 3 pictures were so funny. Bryce, of course STANDING and of course standing by the WINDOW looking OUTSIDE!! If you look closely, you can see his face in his reflection of the window. In this one (above), he looks sad.....

this one he looks happy....

and this one he FINALLY notices me taking pictures of him. He's like, "Oh hey momma! Just lookin outside cause that's were I want to be.." Love this little guy!