...And now for the entry into the pool with her dive...

...Dive into the pool and up on her back she floats and swims to the side to do it all over again.

And of course swimming just wouldn't be the same without Taeya!! These girls are swimming junkies!! They are so good together in that pool. It really is quite amazing what they can do already. Only at 2 years old too!!

Playtime on the steps at the end of lessons is always encouraging. These girls sooo look forward to playing in the water together after lessons...

Brielle and her flippers.. She really struggles to walk in them, but in the water, she swims across the pool really fast..

It's noodle time!! Brielle loves the noodle.. I guess it kinda gives her a break from all her many laps across the pool.

And its always the best when daddy comes to swim with us!! He's always doing fun tricks with Brielle like having her dive from in the air like a cheerleader. Brielle loves it!!

So cute I just love them to pieces!!
Wowzers! I am so impressed with Brielle and her swimming abilities! None of my kids can dive or even properly swim. Her knowing this must be somewhat of a relief when it comes to pool time.
You guys all look like you're having a great time! So, I hear there's a baby coming very soon. I hope you're feeling well and are keeping air-conditioned and cool :)
We love that dinosaur museum!
So amazing! Great job Brielle! Hope you guys come visit after the baby is born. I want to see the newest addition to the family. :)
You certainly have a future Olympic swimmer on your hands. She is so cute! I hear that baby is coming soon, can't wait to see him!
Yea!! You finally got caught up! Love to see those cute fishy girls!
Oh! You have the cutest little girl! So adorable!!!
Reef would LOVE to swim with her!
I can't wait to see your new little nugget! I'm going to keep up with your blog now... :)
Hope that's ok!
That's so awesome that you've got her in swim lessons, go Brielle! I need to get on that. We miss you guys!
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