This is Maegan, Brielle's cousin and best buddy... And it so happens that their B-days are 1 day apart. Brielle's being August 15th and Maegan's the 16th. So we of course decided to celebrate these cute girl's B-days together!!

Here are all the cousins blowing up balloons for the party. We are at Grandma Sue's house of course, where the "life of the party" resides, as always :)

We cooked out hamburgers and hot dogs for the party and had a fiesta of food to eat that day. It sure was delicious!

The children together posing for a picture...

Maegan and Brielle opening up presents together

And time for cake and ice cream!!!

Cute moment of the girls as we are singing happy birthday...

Baby Bryce and Grandma Sue...

Bryce on his tummy due to gas, of course!! This position worked, that's for sure!!

whala!! Bryce asleep after some tummy time in the picture above :)

Brielle pretending to be pregnant. She says, "Mom, I have a baby in my tummy like you did!"

Brielle and Bryce cuddling. Brielle loves to be close to this little guy. They are pretty cute together :)