Whaaawhoeey! We have like 100 nick names for Bryce already, but Bryce-Mobile is one of our favorites! :) Here's some updated pic's of the little guy... He's already 2 months old!!

Lots of sleepy-head moments... still sleeping a lot...

I just cant get enough of this little guy!!! I love holding and cuddling him...

... and so does Brielle :) These 2 are already best buddies. Brielle just loves Bryce and absolutely
loves to help take care of him... maybe too much at times :)

Bryce after a nice warm bath..

Bryce during the nice warm bath...
When you said he was almost two months I thought no he's not! But yes they are. Holy cow - time flies.
What a great post Lawni! These babies are so dang cute! Bryce-mobile is an awesome name. I think you should call him that even when he's in high school and gets all macho!
He looks like a Hoyal! I can't wait to meet him!
What an adorable little lamb! Like Melissa said, looks like a Hoyal but also a lot like Scott. So cute. I wish we could have made it to the blessing. I'm the primary music lady and had to be there as we're prepping for the program. Responsibilities....hmph.
Those pictures are great. Love the last one of his big eyes. I too can't believe he is already 2 months old!
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