Bryce rolling over at 3 months old!!

Here are some pictures I caught of Bryce rolling over. At about 3 months he did his first REAL roll and now, at 4 months old he's rolling all over the place.

It's so cute and it feels so grown up already. Babies grow up soooo fast :(

My favorite is when he laughs out loud and rolls to his belly, then blows bubbles and drools all over my rug!!

a quick family picture before going out for the night.... well, minus Scott cause he's taking the picture.. we'll catch him in the next pic :)

Now Brielle is missing from the picture :)
he can't be rolling over all by himself already! I can't wait to see him in action in St. George:) You guys have one cute family!
What a cutie. I hope you are all feeling better...
McCoy is supposed to do that in a week? WOW, go Bryce!
Man I love his hair!!! Cute cute cute family!!!!
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