Just wanted to post some updated pictures of the two rascals!! They are so much fun and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. Bryce is now 7 1/2 months old and Brielle is 3 1/2 years old. I keep telling them to PLEASE stay little and that they aren't allowed to grow up anymore!! :( They are so cute and I just love them to pieces!!!! I am so grateful to be a mother!! I love it!
Can you even remember back to when it was just you, Scott and Brielle? Feels like these babies have always been here doesn't it? You do have two cutie patooties. I'm glad we get to be here to watch them grow up!
Bryce has so many handsome looks with his hair!! So darling. I told my kids I wasn't going to feed them anymore so they would stop growing. You should try it.
Can you even remember back to when it was just you, Scott and Brielle? Feels like these babies have always been here doesn't it? You do have two cutie patooties. I'm glad we get to be here to watch them grow up!
They are so darling! I love Brielle's headband..did you make it? Make me one if you did! We miss you guys! I can't believe how big your kids are!
I LOVE how little Bryce gets such big eyes for his pic's. And honestly, Brielle is SUCH a cute little girl! :)
Bryce has so many handsome looks with his hair!! So darling. I told my kids I wasn't going to feed them anymore so they would stop growing. You should try it.
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