Wow, am I behind!!! Well, almost a year ago in 2011, we celebrated Easter. Although I should be posting our Christmas from 2011, I just have to post Easter first. So I will :) Easter was really a neat time for us cause we got to spend it with my side of the family, which we have never done before. We literally moved to CA weeks before and were able to spend Easter with my family. It was really fun.

Easter morning we were at our place and started the day off with searching for the kids Easter baskets. Every year we fill em up with the kids favorite candy and hide them in the house for them to find. Its so exciting for them!

Together, Bryce and Brielle searched and searched..... until finally...

They found them!!!

Then it was off to church in our new ward, which was really a wonderful 3 hours filled with teachings of our Savior and his Resurrection.. Then off to my moms of course to celebrate the rest of Easter with family!! :)

Tried to get some shots of the kids together....

and some cousins too..

me and Brielle....

more cousins...

A pretend family picture! Why didn't we try for another shot? I am not sure, but here's our family pic for now.

Here's the Hoyal side of the family. We decided that we should get a pic together since its not every that day that everyone in the family is together like this. I think that's everyone... oh wait, Ladd, you are missing cause our side of the family is sooooo impatient and couldn't wait 10 more minutes for you to get there!!! That's what you get for being in the bishopric and having meetings after church!! Lol!! We still love you :)

After family pictures and Easter dinner, there was of course an Easter egg hunt!!! There was 2 groups. The hunt for the little kiddos, and the hunt for the big kids who steal all the eggs and are wild and crazy together :) You can see why we separated them into two groups :)

Bryce man found lots of eggs. It was a fun day filled with food, candy, family, and reflection on our Savior. Happy Easter!!