Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Huntsville Cabin...
And here we are at Scott's family cabin in Huntsville, UT where we all get together and play for long weekends and fun adventures. A few times a year we all go up and play as a family and have a blast. The cabin is right along a river that gets deep enough to swim in. Pretty cool.. So there's swimming and hiking and camping and bonfires and singing and tons of eating and barely enough sleeping :) This event was one of our last trips this year before the snow came creeping in on us. We had a wonderful time!!
River adventures
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Last trip to New York!!
So here it is!! Our very last trip to New York!!! Me, Scott, Brielle (of course), Steven and Emily all took a 2 day trip out to NY one last time before leaving New Jersey. We stayed at the Double Tree Suites right off the strip on Broadway. We really did have a blast and seriously, what a fun place to go play!!! We ate lots of yummy food, did TONS of shopping (the most I've done in a loooong time) Went to see the show STOMP!! Which was so stinking awesome, I recommend to everyone! We stayed up really late and walked the strip, which of course was still loaded with people at 1am in the morning... Its crazy how busy with people NY is. Our next adventures were "The Top of the Rock" where you go up over 70 stories high in the Rockefeller Center - Breathtaking view. Then it was off to The Body Museum where we got to tour the human body!!! I'm talking the REAL human body!!!!! Lastly we went to the Brooklyn Bridge and listened to a band play on the pier as we said our farewells to NY! :) It was so stinking fun!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Brielle turns 2 years old!!
So yes Brielle did turn 2
Brielle's birthday party..
So later that night after an adventurous day at the zoo, we had a birthday party for Brielle at our apartment. We invited all the sales reps and had home made ice cream cookies with sprinkles - Brielle's fav! They were delicious by the way :) Here are some "break down" pictures of Brielle eating her ice cream cookie. She thoroughly enjoyed it... so did we all!!!! Happy Birthday Brielle!!
Opening presents!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Last weeks in New Jersey...
So there's just a few more posts of our last weeks in New Jersey and this is one of them... Here's some of us from our group of summer sales people who went out to dinner one night, amongst all the many nights we go out to dinner :) We went to a place called "Rio 22" which is basically like Toucans for those of you who are from Utah. It's a Brazilian restaurant where they serve you "all you can eat" Brazilian meat that's super yummy. The waiters come by with slabs of meat they cut in front of you and put on your plate if you wish. You have stop and go signs that indicate whether you want more meat or not, so that makes it kinda fun. Anyways, we had a lot of fun and the food was, as always, crazy filling!!! We left 5 pounds heavier than when we got there :) Good times!!
Manhattan Temple Trip
Scotty and I had a chance to go to the Manhattan Temple while we were away this summer, and it was such a neat experience. We really got to experience what its like to go to the temple when its not at your convenience. Here in Utah, there's a temple 4 minutes away from our house, along with a few others only 20 minutes away. but the Manhattan temple was over an hour away and let's not forget about the additional 20 minutes to find parking, and then of course the 10 minute walk from our parking spot to the temple :) It was a lot more effort, but so cool and a real eye opener at how much we take advantage of having a temple so close to home. So we woke up at 4:15ish in the morning to be ready and in the car by 5, to then drive there through the glorious NY traffic!! and be ready to start by 6:30. Thankfully we made it!!! The Manhattan Temple is beautiful and so cool how its just part of the city.. It literally is just right on the corner connected to everything else in Manhattan. It definitely stands out amongst the city, yet it totally blends in. Can't wait to go back someday!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sweet baby girl!
Sweet baby girl in the first picture and crazy Tarzan baby in the next one :) Soooo I am still wrapping up with some pictures that got left behind in my laziness to update THE BLOG!! It's like, I am so into it and then I just don't really don't really care for it. It's a love-hate relationship :) No, I really do enjoy the whole blogging thing and I really love looking at others, but sometimes its just not on my to do list, that's all. Anyways, here are a few more pictures of Brielle just being her cute little self in New Jersey. These pictures were taken in the last weeks of our time there. My favorite is her pushing her face up against the screen!!
Look at that face!!!!!
Brielle loves make-up! She actually has her own make-up bag and is obsessed with it. She loves to watch me put my make-up on and always wants to put some on herself, so that's when we created her own make-up bag. So one day, Emily was getting ready and Brielle just couldn't resist putting on some of her make-up, so we decided to make an event of it. Emily was the make-up artist and I was the photographer. So we made Brielle's face up and did some modeling for the camera! Brielle really enjoyed herself and it was quite fun for us as well.
Not sure if she's scarey or cute!!!
So we then got a little carried away and played dress up!! Emily and I seem to do this often with Brielle, but this time she actually had make-up on to go with. Brielle was basically pampered like a beauty queen and probably felt like a model the way we were acting :) The only thing was that at the end, we weren't sure if Brielle looked cute or kinda scary with all that glamor!! It was so funny and I am sure I'll have more pictures of times like these since they seem to be happening a lot these days.
Monday, September 22, 2008
American Idol Concert

Soooo this post is super outdated but I have seriously been meaning to add it so I had to put it on the blog. Back in July, in our many adventures on our trip to CA, we went to an American Idol concert at the Staples Center in LA. It was sooo cool!! and we all had a ton of fun. We went with family and friends and a group of other people we didn't know. We were in box seats that hold about 18 people and we filled about 6 of those tickets, so the rest of everyone we didn't know, but buy the end of the night were our best friends :) Box seats are like a small suit hotel room. It was soooo neat. So here's our American Idol fiesta.
The American Idol'ssss

Here's some of the pictures of all the action.. The top 10 idols sang about 3 to 4 songs each and then at the end, they all sang a few songs together. They all sang so awesome, but the only one I really cared about was David Archuletta - his picture is the 2nd one down so you can click on it if you'd like to see it bigger :) He has such an amazing voice.. I could listen to him sing all day long!!! P.S. some of the pics are a bit blurry, sorry about that :)
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