Finally, a visit from my sister Jayme and her adorable family!!!! It has seriously been forever since they have come to visit us here in Utah and I am so glad they did! We had a lot of fun with them staying at our house goofing off with us :) We had a few adventures together and miss them already!! Please guys, come back again soon!!

Lee (pulling faces of course), Jayme, Brayden, Carson (crying), Savanah, Brielle (not looking), me, and Madelyn. This was the best shot we could get :)

Madelyn and Savanah are my sister's oldest kids and Brielle adores them!! She loves to hang out with them and they are so sweet to her. In this picture they just finished doing a little skit. It was so cute and so creative!

..And this is Carson, my sister's youngest.. We left him alone for awhile with the dress ups and this is how we found him. He wouldn't even let us change his clothes without a fight! It was hilarious!

One of our adventures was to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Brielle loves this place cause right now dinosaurs are her very favorite.
All I can say is "Land Before Time" is always playing in my head! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A NEW DINOSAUR MOVIE!?! :)

Cute silly girls!!

I love this picture of the boys -Brayden and Carson- cause one looks a little scary and one looks a little SCARED!!

Bryce enjoying the view from his stroller...

The girls huddled up in the cave...

The sand and water "hands on" thing - anyone know what this part of the museum is called?? The kids absolutely love this part of the museum.
Oh and another favorite part is the "fossils in the sand" at the very end.... not sure what this one is called either :) ..What a fun day!! Besides the Dino Museum, delicious gluten-free meals my sister made for us, visiting till wee hours of the night, and the family marathon (I'll explain in the next post ;0 ), we really did have a good time with the CRIPPS. We loved having you all and can't wait to see you guys again!!
Does Brielle watch the Dinosaur Train on PBS? My kids LOVE that show.
How fun! Hey thanks for having Scott text me about his class! We ended up going boating, so I missed it, and I've been so sad, so PLEASE tell me if there is another one!! And you guys should come out boating with us sometime!!!
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