Just some random shots of our little Bryce Man at a year and a half old! He is growing so fast its crazy! and he's even bigger now since these pics were taken at the beginning of the year!! ;)

This kid lives in his high chair. He knows that no matter what, he eats in his chair and that's that! So, its like clock work - he asks to eat, we decide on a food, and then straight to the high chair!! I swear he will be in this thing till he is 5! And I am so okay with it! Straps, buckle and a tray? YES please! :)

Bryce loves to brush his teeth. We are trying to be better with brushing teeth, cause when Brielle was little, we were not so good at brushing... So Bryce is well on his way to a happy mouth! I hope...

What is it with my kids and ice cream? Well, every kid loves ice cream I guess... but Bryce and Brielle are nuts for it! Maybe its cause their parents split a gallon of ice cream together almost nightly!

In the high chair again! Lol!

Tents! What would kids be without making tents! I remember making tents growing up and absolutely loving it! Bryce decided to stand on top of this tent and block our movie at the same time!! Love that crazy kid!
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